Julia wrote:

   >>3) Plaid is bad

   >>>I've been told the weave was different in each valley so that when a
   frozen corpse was found on the hills in the spring the body could be

   But being a canny lass, you thought "pull the other one!"

   >>>Even then the Duke's piper was / is the only one to whom it was / is
   relevant, and the first one of those to >>>use the whole rig out -
   blackcock feather and all was Jack Armstrong, piper from 1949-78,
   although James Hall >>>came close in the late C19

   >>>Traditional? I don't think so.

   >>>Expedient on occasion today?  Probably. Enough folk have got them
   that I needn't bother. Phew Used to cover >>>musical deficiency?  You
   may so, I couldn't possibly comment!


   Me meself persunelly, I like the traditional look of the "Birkenstock
   Band" on the cover of the October 2003 NPS Newsletter. ;-)


   Paul Gretton


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