On 22 Aug 2008, Richard Shuttleworth wrote: 
> What about Dargie (Spelling?), or am I just playing it wrongly -
> choyting away to my heart's content :-))

Usually Dargai, I believe, but we know what you mean

I quote from a recent offlist post about choyting by Mr Ormston:

"Essentially it means to play a grace note followed by the melody 
note  without a silence between the two.  The worst example is Pigg's 
rendition of Dargai, which, as has been said elsewhere, sounds like 
dial-up internet logging in!"

- Chris O

I became a convert to Clough style after one day listening to  
recordings of Billy P playing Holey Ha'penny, immediately followed by 
Tom Clough's rendition.

"The book" is a direct result of that incident.


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