Allan wrote:

   >>Why the condescending groan at my desire to play the instrument of my

   I simply find it hard to understand why anyone would play any musical
   instrument for any reason other than musical.

   >>I grew up in Northumberland. I miss it.

   Without any irony or sarcasm, I understand entirely. I wish I'd grown
   up in a place worth missing rather than in Scumbag City.

   >>I play the pipes for that reason. Does that not fit into your

   Hmmm... all I can say is that I just don't get it. I too live abroad -
   have done for 36 years - but I don't see how choosing to play a
   particular instrument would reconnect me to my youth (assuming that
   that would be a "good thing").

   Cheers (and not wishing to be unpleasant in any way).

   Paul Gretton


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