Dear members (and apologies to others)

The 80th birthday party concert for the NPS on Sat. Oct 11th will now 
be at Morpeth Methodist Church, which is a superb place to play, 
acoustically. There are other rooms for refreshments - the only 
drawback being that the building is alcohol free, so it'll be tea & 
However they're bending over backwards to accommodate us so I'm not 
worrying about that.

Anne Moore is hoping that we may be able to hold the competitions at 
the Chantry - this will depend on the drying process. If not, these 
will also be at the Methodist Church.

Directions may be found at:
Parking is in surrounding streets or the long trerm car park behind 
the Tap & Spile.

I have asked if they can accommodate us for the next two Monday 
meetings, and they are looking into this.

I have just to rearrange the Sat. meeting on 20th Sept now. I will 
post this as soon as I can.

Please pass this message on to anybody who might need to know.


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