Something else to think about is putting performances up on youtube or
   myspace.  All I know about this is what I hear on the radio, but if I'm
   not mistaken, technically, you are infringing copyright if you put a
   video up on the internet of a performance of protected melodies--like
   "happy birthday" or "Lindesfarne"--unless you own the copyright, even
   though you're making no money off it.  I think you will be breaking
   some sort of copyright law even if you post your own compositions in
   one format or another (score, audio or video) if they are not
   copyrighted.  There is some law designed to protect recording companies
   that doesn't allow individuals to put their own stuff up on the web
   without formal copyright.  Yes, Martha, apparently you can be sued for
   giving your own stuff away.
   BTW, Michael Jackson owns the Beatles' catalog as well, so don't get
   caught whistling "All you need is love" on your way to the bus stop.

   01/16/2009 02:36 AM

                              Please respond to




   [NSP]  Re: Copyright issues

   On 16 Jan 2009, wrote:
   <Far too much>
   But here's a PS:
   "Publishing" includes typesetting more than one copy and handing it
   round to friends: writing out a copyright tune by hand, copying it by
   any means and distributing that:course music of any sort: workshops:
   and so on, and so on. Yes, really - I'm not kidding.
   In practice we get away with it, but anyone who does any of these
   things without specific permission should be aware of what they are
   doing. One day a litigious composer / copyright holder could come
   back and get shirty.
   And don't copy out Happy Birthday for distribution: people in the
   States have been prosecuted by the copyright holder (Michael Jackson)
   for doing just that.
   Anyone who *really* needs to know the potential danger areas in
   Northumbrian music of which I am presently aware is welcome to
   contact me - offlist.
   To get on or off this list see list information at

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