Just a reminder that the President's Day in Salisbury is going ahead,
   as Jim Bryan had planned it, and in honour of his memory, on Saturday
   May 16th. It will take place at Idmiston Memorial Hall in Porton
   Village, 6m north of Salisbury, Wilts (UK), off the A338 main road. The
   hall is by the garden/aquatic centre, and there is ample parking.

   If you intend to come along, please bring a music stand, the usual
   books (1-3, duet, folios, etc) and a contribution (in food) to the
   shared buffet lunch. The day will last from 10-5pm and the format will
   be informal, as Jim would have wanted.

   I can be contacted off list [1]i.c...@ntlworld.com to supply any
   further details.



   1. mailto:i.c...@ntlworld.com

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