Is this as dangerous as it looks?

Not really, although it can take something of a toll on the hands.
I had my left first finger main joint ripped wide open when a sword jammed
on a nail in the stage at Durham Miners Gala during the jump figure.
I still finished the dance but the others weren't too happy about the blood spattered all over their white shirts.

There is also a certain excitement when a sword breaks , which happens with a sharp crack and no prior warning. Strangely this doesn't happen when the swords are under maximum stress, but afterwards in a less stressful part of a figure.

Tho in the present context it's probably safer than admitting to liking KT ;-)

I've always got on well with Kathryn and still get a hug and a kiss when we meet.
It doesn't mean I feel I have to like everything she plays tho'.

All the best,


Dave Shaw, Northumbrian and Scottish Smallpipes, Irish Pipes and SHAW Whistles

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