I haven't seen this mentioned here but we made noises (and still are) when the bagpipe museum faced something similar.
The information on the petition page says:
"The V & A are intending to place in long-term storage its collection of historic musical instruments, which is unparalleled in the UK. The reason for this destruction, given by a V & A spokesman, is so that "the gallery can be redesigned to show the fashion collections." Musical instruments have been part of the collection since its inception in 1851: the museum has received adverse comment on this plan from curators worldwide. The removal is to take place in Spring 2010, and is a short-term decision which will have long-term negative results for scholars and music lovers alike.".

Although not strictly pipes-based, I feel it's a further step to downgrading our musical heritage and the importance of the tradition of music and thought those on this list may wish to sign. Several other music lists I am on have done so already so sorry if this is a repeat.
If anyone would like to sign the petition, it's at:

Colin Hill

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