On 8 Feb 2010, Bill Telfer wrote: 
> This type of duet (and playing in a small band), though hard work is for me
> one of the most satisfying ways to use the pipes.

Hear, hear. Both all pipes, and pipes / fiddle. 

I looked up in the society records, and the first mention of a pipes / fiddle 
class in the competitions is 1950. It was won in that year by Basil Clough & 
Hepple, the following two years by Joe Hutton and George Hepple.
(I know that John & George Hepple also played together)

Prior to that there were only nsp duets in the comps, starting 1933, and won in 
that year by TW Pigg and J. Armstrong - it doesn't say which but I would assume 
John Armstrong of Carrick.

One of the best impromptu duets I've ever heard was a "performance" of "Cuckold 
come out the Amrey", on the 2nd floor stairs of  Morpeth Town Hall, played by 
S on Border pipes and Colin R on fiddle, in the interval of ...something or 
Music with attitude!!


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