Anthony Robb wrote:
   Speaking of Willie T, thanks to Francis for directing me to the Mike
   MacDougall material. The similarities between his story and Willie T's
   were so eerie it brought me close to tears. Everything from the
   distances  travelled (less in Willie's case but then he walked) -
   anything up to 12 miles to a dance/session play till daybreak walk back
   and go straight out onto the hills to see to the sheep. Then grab an
   hour or so sleep at lunchtime and go back out  in the afternoon.

a slight digression, but I think I speak for myself and most if not all the list that it is very difficult to imagine how hard life was (and indeed is) for many people. We live relatively comfortable lives and can only look on from the outside - and must be careful not to hark back to the Victorian vision of a rural 'idyll'. It's certainly true that the best music seems to come from true hardship and might have been the only way many hung on to their sanity and some dignity..


Anita Evans

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