Fantastic again!
For a piping group this is really providing me with great hurdy gurdy stuff!
Thank you, Colin.
As with John, I expect if I'd typed the right question phrased the right way into Google... but you did and I'm delighted. As you say, it's not 100% conclusive, but if that's the contemporary illustration Mayhew would presumably have objected if that was not what she played.
And it certainly goes with the text describing her guide accompanying her.
Best wishes and more thanks,

On 31/10/2010 19:07, Colin wrote:
It's generally accepted that she played the hurdy gurdy.
Hurdy gurdies were given to some to be able to make a living rather than
going to the workhouse etc.
That illustration is from 1851 (taken from an earlier daguerreotype) so she
was still alive but, of course, unlikely to be taken from life (and we do
all know how accurate newspapers, journals and books are, don't we).

Colin Hill

----- Original Message ----- From: "Richard York" <>
To: "NSP group" <>
Sent: Sunday, October 31, 2010 6:13 PM
Subject: [NSP] Re: Cymbal

 Hi Anthony,
 Thanks for this suggestion, which does indeed seem logical.

The Hurdy gurdy net group were talking about early names for the gurdy recently, and this is where Old Sarah came up. Mayhew, who was an experienced journalist who interviewed hundreds of street people, so ought to know what he talked about, called it a hurdy gurdy. There's a Scots reference in the 16th C to "Cymphan", thought to be from the older "symphony" and that's one explanation. She was fairly old when she talked to him, and from the early repertoire she had she was possibly taught by an Irish or Scots musician, so a misremembered "Cymphan" type word may have become "Cymbal". But I certainly wouldn't go to the stake on that! The old lady also talked about having to keep the works covered so that pennies punters threw didn't get in and damage them. She spoke of having to learn tunes, and mastering them over a few weeks at first, so it wasn't a barrel organ type hurdy gurdy; and the dulcimer is lacking in interior works, so I'm fairly happy going with the gurdy as we now know it - there are pictures of people playing them on London streets.

Thanks all for tolerating this excursion outside the Land Of Smallpipe.

Best wishes,

On 31/10/2010 16:38, Anthony Robb wrote:
    On 31 Oct Richard York wrote lots including:

Henry Mayhew in the 1850's interviewed "Old Sarah" a blind Londonstreet
       hurdy gurdy player who was taught in the very early years of the
       to play what she called the "cymbal".
    Can't help with the tunes I'm afraid but it might be that the
    instrument she calls the "cymbal" is in fact the cimbalom.
    Good luck with your quest.




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