Peacock and Dixon agree on this strain - we should perhaps think of a 
(dissonant) e resolving down on to the d of a G major tonic chord, as in 'All 
the Night'.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: 10 November 2010 09:10
To: Gibbons, John;
Subject: [NSP] Re: 'My Deary sits ower late up' 

John Gibbons wrote:

>the reprint edition has a typo in the
>   penultimate strain, the 1st bar beginning
>       g/f/|egB egB...
>   instead of
>       g/f/|egd egB ...
>   as in Peacock itself - see FARNE or the facsimile.
>   The typo gives an e minor flavour which doesn't belong, I feel.

My intuition FWIW and feeling for music tell me John is right. So do my eyes 
when I see the facsimile. My intellect (or what passes for one) tells me that 
the motivic skeleton, for want of a better term, is ed-bg. The manuscript 
preserves motivic integrity.


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