is a remarkably interesting and helpful resource if you're
   a box player.  One of the things they do is have a "tune of the month"
   where members vote on a tune out of a list of four and then everyone is
   invited to post their rendition of it on [1]  The
   moderators also select a theme, like "Irish tunes" or "wedding tunes"
   or something like that.  I have found this to be a real boost to my
   learning to play the melodeon, learning tunes, connecting with folks
   around the world, getting good advice.  The remarkable thing is that I
   haven't come across a negative comment or any comment that wasn't made
   with the best intentions.  Of course, people do have their favorite
   instruments and styles, etc., and some have their bugaboos, but overall
   it's a very encouraging internet community.

   Perhaps, we could doing something like this here on the NSP newsgroup.
   If even only a few people think this is a good idea and want to
   participate I think it would be a good way to keep the conversation
   going and help each other out.  It also gives something for people to
   work towards, like a competition without the stress and judgement.
   Perhaps one of the reasons the melodeon group is so friendly is that
   they don't have competition built into their culture the way pipers
   do.  (For a diatribe on the subject see my editorial at

   Anyway, if this seems like an interesting idea to enough people perhaps
   we could name a "tune of the month" for June by this coming weekend.


   John Dally




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