The only competitive element in some melodeon circles is to be the one who can play louder, which thankfully is not normally an issue in nsp's! Hence the expression "Wall to wall melodeons". But there are more and more superb box players out there, including some quiet ones.

Love and piece indeed... did you have any particular piece in mind this month, Francis?


On 24/05/2011 10:23, Francis Wood wrote:
Since I've never felt the urge to compete, perhaps I shouldn't really comment. But from what I've observed, the competition element in the NSP world is nothing like that in GHB piping.

It seems to me that NSP competition is far more about participation in traditional events and receiving some personal endorsement of achievement, rather than defeating the opposition.

I've no idea what melodeon culture and tradition is like, but evidently it cannot be ancient, as piping traditions are. If there are strong feelings about how things should be done (preferably expressed in a friendly way, but I won't lose sleep if they are not), I'm interested and glad to read them in this forum. This is essentially a pretty friendly place, though with the occasional angry outburst. Rather like any average marriage, I guess.

Love n' Peace to all,


On 24 May 2011, at 09:33,<> <> wrote:

  Perhaps one of the reasons the melodeon group is so friendly is that
  they don't have competition built into their culture the way pipers
  do.  (For a diatribe on the subject see my editorial at

Excellent article!

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