Hi Antony,

   How about posting the article here? There are lots of people who are
   interested but are not NPS members

   -- I like the hint of lilt in your playing - always have



   Dave S

   Anthony Robb wrote:

   Hello John
   That's sounds great.
   It's exactly the response I was hoping for when I submitted the article
   on Rants to the NPS Journal. I'd titled the piece "Anyone For a Rant?"
   but it was apparently unsuitable and altered without my consent or
   knowledge to "A Bit Of a Rant" which rather missed the idea of an
   invitation to try them.
   Cheers and every good wish for some enjoyable music making,
   --- On Thu, 30/6/11, Gibbons, John <j.gibb...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:


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