To make it absolutely clear, it was not I who attached the name
   Shield's to the soundclip. Whether the source - JA of C - gave it that
   title, I don't know. This is not impossible given the Clough
   connection. The FARNE Core Tunes article on Morpeth Rant (not my
   work) also gives the Shield attribution.

   On Thu, Jul 14, 2011 at 9:23 PM, Gibbons, John
   <[1]> wrote:

     But isn't Matt just quoting the Cloughs' title there?
     Beware of secondary sources, in other words -
     they don't corroborate where they are drawn from.
     A citation of 'The Morpeth Rant' (new or old) from anyone but the
     with the Shields' title, from pre-1900 would be interesting -
     one from anywhere near as far back as 1770,
     when 'The Morpeth Rant' made its first virtual appearance, would be




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