Very sad news.
I knew Ray best back in 1984, when I was visiting Colin regularly to learn pipe-making. Ray was often around, always kind and welcoming, and sometimes gave me a meal with them if I stayed on to go with Colin to the pipe-making evening class he taught at that time. As it says in the Guardian obituary, she did indeed have - " a gift for making people laugh, with witty comments", and she would often have dryly witty observations to make on the obsessions and characters of the piping world! Incidentally, the obituary describes Colin as "fiddler and Northumbrian piper" - so it seems pipe making has not yet entered the radar of mainstream journalism.

Later, Ray sometimes helped Elizabeth with sourcing material for pipe-bag covers, and they were able to share and compare notes on being married to pipe-makers!

We both send our sympathy to Colin.


On 01/09/2011 20:56, Julia Say wrote:

Those of you who knew Colin Ross' wife, Ray, and haven't so
far heard from other
singing or social forums, will be saddened to learn of her
death yesterday. She had
been ill for some time and finally succumbed to several conditions.

Messages are flooding on to various lists and boards and
there is an obit on the
Guardian website

Colin is coping as well as can be expected and has family
with him, but as he is
himself not totally well, please no phone calls to the
family home, they simply
cannot deal with the volume of calls.

Email messages will be received (though probably not
answered, again due to volume)
and cards are fine. He is very grateful for the messages
received so far and the
support and appreciation of the piping community.

Ray was of course an internationally respected traditional
singer with an extensive
family, and singing will play a large part in the farewell ceremony.

It is at 2.15 pm on Monday 12 September at Whitley Bay.
Pipers have been requested:
please email me for more details if you are likely to come,
so I know how big a
turnout of players to expect. There is a social event
afterwards as well.


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