Lets hope Mick gets given the money and then see what he does with it. Then we 
can groan about his purchases, sales et al ad nauseum. If he has the money and 
stuffs it, then he's a clod. If we stay up, then he's a god. 

Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Who wants Pie? [sec=unclassified]
Date: Mon, 20 Apr 2009 11:08:05 +1000
From: lee.mor...@defence.gov.au
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com

You better give me a slice Marcus. 
Although we have been top for a long time I've always 
had my doubts about MM. I've said before, its all or nothing with him, he 
gets it right or completely wrong.
I think Morgan is the major factor in the positive 
changes happening at Wolves. He's an enormously successful Guy, and has that 
winning mentality, if things start to go wrong next season I think Morgan will 
act quickly.

From: nswolves@googlegroups.com 
[mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf Of Marcus 
Sent: Monday, 20 April 2009 10:54
Subject: [NSWolves] Who wants 

Ok then... here it 
The time has arrived 
for me to admit that I was wrong about Sir Mick McCarthy and his team 
selections, whilst often confusing to many, have delivered the end result that 
matters; Promotion!!!
I shall now spend 
the next few weeks baking the biggest humble pie I can fit in my oven (I'm sure 
Rog can fit one in his oven too).
Onwards and upwards 
and time to plan for a new season at the highest level.  Time to get rid of 
Thick Mick and bring in someone who can handle life in the premier league!!!! 
(just kidding... for now).
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