I'm with you Steven - but wouldn't 49 points be rather nice? - a place in
Europe? A cup title? - I hope MM isn't thinking that far ahead!



From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Steven Millward
Sent: Monday, 4 May 2009 4:42 PM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Tipping Competition?


"IF we win half our home games..."


For the record, Chelsea have won 55% of their home games.  Given that the
top eight are likely to thrash us, it means beating almost all of the bottom
eleven at home, and getting draws against the last three.  Fortress


"...we need to pick up 19 points out of a possible 57 on our travels. Very


Nineteen points on our travels is six wins and a draw.  No team outside the
top seven has got that many apoints away from home so far, and I'd say that
stat won't change


Furthermore, 49 points is a top half of the table finish, pushing for a spot
in Europe.  I think that's too much to expect.


I'd be happy with 40 points.  The three extra wins required to get 49 is too
much in my view.


2009/5/4 <pcr...@contechengineering.com>

I disagree Steve.


If we win half our home games (27 points), plus manage 3 home draws (3
points) this means we need to pick up 19 points out of a possible 57 on our
travels. Very achievable.


If MM makes the shrewd 5 or 6 signings we need then I see us having a better
season than most are expecting.


I am in for Saturday night but will be there around 7pm as I am playing at
3.15pm. Which Pub are we meeting in?







From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Steven Millward
Sent: Monday, 4 May 2009 10:03 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: [NSWolves] Re: Tipping Competition?


No, I said 90 so was exactly right.  That means you all owe me ten bucks.


I reckon 49 points in the Prem is the prediction equivalent of 130 in the
Championship.  Good luck.


I will be reinstating the competition next season, now that the challenges
of fatherhood have been addressed.  Get you entries in.


A reminder, we are supposed to be having a promotion party in the rocks on
Saturday but it doesn't sound like anyone is going.  Can you confirm if you
are up for it please?

2009/5/4 <pcr...@contechengineering.com>

Morning Steve!


Great weekend!


I was just wondering, if the tipping competition had gone ahead this season
where would my predicted 92 points have placed me? 


My prediction for next season is 49 points.


How are the tickets for the Perth game progressing Marcus?


Best Regards




Paul Crowe

Sales Manager - Asia Pacific


ConTech (Sydney Office)


PO Box 3517

Rhodes Waterside

Rhodes NSW  2138

Tel: 02 97396636  Fax: 02 97396542

Mob: 0406009562

Email: pcr...@contechengineering.com

Website: www.contechengineering.com <http://www.contechengineering.com/> 







Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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