Mr Singh at the Northbridge Balti will be rubbing his hands together


From: Marcus Chantry [] 
Sent: Monday, 29 June 2009 11:07
To: Andy Fellows; Darrell Yates; Duncan McLean; Elliot Dale; Graeme
Fitzsimmons; Jeremy Thake; Jess Panni; Morris, Lee SGT;; Mark; Michael Lewis;; Parma Juss; Paul Johnson; Steve Lewis; Tony
Slater; Trevor Jones; Wayne Pannell;
Subject: The Final 50

Morning all,
just thought I'd send you the list of the confirmed 50 attendees for the
Wolves v Perth Glory match.  Almost everyone has paid so I look forward
to catching up with everyone next week.  Also, remember to get your
t-shirt orders in soon as I have already sold 30.
0448 887 627
Rob      Anderson       
Nigel    Brown  
Marcus   Chantry        
Roger    Cooper 
Vince    Cox    
Paul     Crowe  
Leanne   Curtain        
Elliot   Dale   
Jay      Dalton 
Steve    Dalton 
Brian    Dawson 
Stephen          Edwards        
Claire   Elliott        
Greg     Elliott        
Andy     Fellows        
Alex     Fitzsimmons    
Graeme   Fitzsimmons    
Mark     Glendenning    
James    Graves 
Trevor   Jones  
Parma    Juss   
Andy     Lamb   
Rohan    Lavender       
Matthew          Leese  
Michael  Lewis  
Nicky    Lewis  
Steve    Lewis  
Les      Lloyd  
Suzanne  Manning        
Damien   McCormack      
Duncan   McLean 
Sudhir   Menon  
Steve    Millward       
Lee      Morris 1       
Michael  Outterside     
Wayne    Pannell        
Jess     Panni  
Jim      Parkes 
Jim      Parkes 2       
Wayne    Parry  
Wayne    Parry 2        
Martin   Poole  
Ian      Rowson 
Tony     Slater 
Jason    Surendran      
Jeremy   Thake  
Steven   Vaughan        
Dean     Walker 
Mark     Worrall        
Darrell  Yates  

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opinions of Macquarie.


Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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