I only ever vote below the line - it's a principle thing. I don't want
anyone to decide where my preferences go (except me).

AND anything to make life more difficult for the people who decide that this
is the way we do things. 

I assume I'm a long standing member of the gallant 600. I find that number
very hard to believe because (I'm fairly confident) that at least 10% of
those voted at the one booth at the last election (that's the extent of my




From: nswolves@googlegroups.com [mailto:nswol...@googlegroups.com] On Behalf
Of Rog & Reet
Sent: Tuesday, 17 August 2010 8:47 AM
To: nswolves@googlegroups.com
Subject: [NSWolves] OT: Join the Gallant 600


Have you ever wanted to vote below the line in the senate but found it too

Found out your favourite party was directing preferences to some barking mad
mob like One Notion, Shooters or the Libs?

Felt you should put no a no-hope member of the NSW right last on the paper?

Are a banker or a Baggies fan and numerically illiterate?


A few years ago I read only 600 people voted below the line in either the
NSW state or federal election.

Here's your chance to join those Gallant 600 and plus have hours of fun
sorting out your senate paper via



Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

Pig's pudding - it's a mon's dinner aer kid

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