Wolves: We're Football's Worst Fans But It's Not Our Fault - Sabotage Times
P 26 September 2013U Pete Cashmore
Who are the worst fans in the country? If we are to measure "badness" in terms 
of having a reputation for enjoying a dust-up with rival fans, then most 
fingers would point at Millwall. And if it instead denotes a lack of 
geographical proximity to a team's given region, or the suggestion that the 
fans have settled on a team in the same unimaginative way that one settles on 
the music of 
 and the meals of Pizza Express, then you'd argue in favour of Manchester 
However, many people would argue that fans of my team, Wolverhampton Wanderers, 
are, in terms of constant moaning and delusions of grandeur, among the very 
very worst in football. What's odd is that our fans don't seem to recognise 
just how much the rest of football dislikes us. If you look at any 
end-of-season summary of recent seasons in The 
 where a fan of each team nominates his best and worst players, games and fans, 
Wolves tend to feature heavily in the "worst fans" nominations. And yet the 
opprobrium never seems to register. It's not water off a duck's back, it's a 
duck not even recognising that it is actually wet.
The Wolves support is that peculiar mixture of living off past glories, nursing 
absurd delusions as to where we ought to be in the football hierarchy (this 
wasn't helped a couple of seasons back when the ownership started letting off 
absurd honkings about pushing on for Europe, in the season of the first of our 
record-breaking successive relegations) and complaining about every signing, 
dropped point, conceded goal and fluffy feelgood PR blather in online forums - 
there are Wolves forums users who would be able to find a downside if Lionel 
Messi took a 100% pay cut to turn out in the Old Gold. In these terms, we are 
perhaps second only to Newcastle United, but you at least get the impression 
that, although the Toon Army are guilty of all of the above, they would at 
least show you a good time afterwards. In Wolverhampton, we'd just take you to 
the Newhampton pub for a meat pie and a moan. Even if we won.
Where Did It All Go Wrong For 
Factor in an unseemly obsession with how West Bromwich 
 are doing at any given time, and the Wolves fan becomes a bit of a tragic 
breed. And we're incredibly easy to wind up too. I remember one game against 
Blackburn where one of the away fans, a tubby shirtless teenager who I tracked 
down via the gift of the interweb and now know to be James O'Connor (hi Jim!), 
was goading the Wolves fans something awful, simply via the medium of mime. He 
managed to enrage one man to a high froth simply by pointing at him, doing a 
"limp wrist" gesture and mouthing the words "Are you gay?" a few times. The man 
got so livid that he eventually picked up his son, who would have been about 
five years old, held the terrified toddler above his head, and roared, "How can 
I be a woofter? I've got us a f*****' babby!" Priceless.
But I come here not to bury myself and my brethren for being hopeless and 
miserable and obsessed with the glories of a very distant past. I come to plead 
for understanding and indulgence. Things are not good at Wolves right now, and 
I mean that in reference to both the club and the city. Obviously, the team 
itself has been subjected to some spectacular top-down mismanagement, such that 
some of the candidates who were interviewed after the dismissal of Mick 
McCarthy had decided to not take up the vacant post in the time it took to 
stroll to their car after the interview ended. And the Molineux ground has 
become a massive white elephant in a city that simply can't afford it, boasting 
a fancy luxury restaurant which apparently now only opens once a week due to a 
lack of people minted enough to dine in it, and ticket prices out of sync with 
the quality and level of football on show. Basically, the fans are still being 
expected to pay, in part, for the spectacular failings of the club and those 
who run it, and this is in a city with the worst unemployment levels and the 
highest percentage of out-of-use commercial premises in the UK. Wolves is 
basically the poster city for the recession. So yeah, we do bloody moan, but we 
have good reason to. We do look back with rose-tinted spectacles, because the 
present is pretty flaming grim. That just leaves the delusion and the obsession 
with West Brom, but I suspect no amount of therapy will rid us of either of 
In a recent Lonely Planet 
Wolverhampton was voted the 7th worst city in the entire world. So if we are 
the country's worst fans - and as I say, we're right up there - then maybe 
we're just products of our environment. And this maybe explains why we simply 
don't notice when scorn is being heaped on us by fans of other clubs. In 
terrible times, a thick hide is a necessity.
Having said all this... We did come up with the nickname "Sylvan Elikes-Cake" 
for Sylvan Ebanks-Blake. So we can't be all bad.

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Is there anybody that doesn't look back and think:
"Oh, how I wish we hadn't sacked Mick McCarthy"
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