Here is the correspondence with wolves and Karl. I never heard anything
back after this.

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Steven Millward <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb. 2019, 8:00 pm
Subject: Re: New South Wales (Australia) supporters club
To: Karl Wheeler <>
Cc: Alan Perrins <>


We don't use Facebook as we have had a Googlegroups email chain for
discussion for 10 years which is private and we use for all discussion. We
have 28 members in that chain when I just checked. We  have had two new
members join this week via the website.

I mentioned this to some members today and the responses were generally
"Why doesn't he just join our group?"

30 seconds on Google would have found our group before you started this. I
can't help but think this is more about you wanting to own this. The right
thing for you to do would be to acknowledge that this already exists and
let it go, but I see that you are unwilling to do so.

I suggest we leave it there and you go about your own business.

On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 19:17, Karl Wheeler <>

> Hi Steve
> Thank you for your email, I have copied Alan in for reference.
> Please allow me to point out, I am not looking to get into a an ongoing
> confrontation over this, I am merely looking to cover off the points that
> you have raised and in my defence, provide you with a reply albeit that it
> may not be the one you are looking for.
> I am somewhat bewildered that we have come to this position and my
> offer/suggestion of help in any capacity seems to have been declined, as I
> previously stated, at no point did I intend to take over your branch that
> has been quite happily running its own way since 1992, nor did I wish to
> devalue the contributions made by existing members past or present.
> However the situation as I see it:
> I agree that you have an arm/branch of members in Sydney and it suggests
> from the wording that you are NSW and Sydney according to your website and
> your Facebook page, I am also grateful that I have been recently accepted
> into your FB group and as I previously said I inadvertently applied for the
> NSW Branch Chairman not realising that this was the case based on the
> official Wolves directory, which did not have a branch listed for New South
> Wales or Sydney.
> In my defence regarding your comments on members, I believed I was doing
> the right thing in holding back and not creating any pages, groups and
> websites until I had spoken to yourself and your members although you being
> the spokesperson, I presume that you are speaking for all your members. So
> as you have pointed out quite rightly I am currently a group of 1, although
> I have a list of people that have already approached me and are awaiting my
> plans pushing forward. I might not have been set up as long as yourself and
> if by me applying gives me the Official status then so be it, all I can say
> is, I was proactive enough to be in tune with what was going on around me
> and I am sure that you would have had the same opportunity to have put
> yourself forward.
> I note that you make reference to having plenty of time to carry out the
> functions required by your branch NSWolves and also that you have 30
> members. However you have 17 members on the FB page 2 of which is yourself
> and me, the last update was April 2018 and prior to that was March 2017
> then before that was September 2011, like I said previously I did not wish
> to get into confrontation/nit picking but when you try to turn this around
> to being a "Karl & Wolves" problem, I felt the need to defend my position
> as it stands. The NSWolves website has numerous links missing and has not
> been updated since August 2018 and the content is sparse. I am not trying
> to blame anyone for this and I understand that we all have busy lives,
> although once I realised the situation that had been created I was happy to
> offer you a helping hand that seems to have been declined. I would like to
> point out that you make claim to the fact that 70% of NSW citizens live
> within Sydney, and while this may be correct and if this is indeed the case
> then I do not see why the big issue when it comes to the suggested Sydney
> branch, the dialogue I am in with other branches will see us all networking
> and bouncing good ideas of other branches.
> I am not sure that you understand that this is not some paid function that
> each Branch Chairman are covering, its a position that's being covered for
> the love of the club and its a position that benefits everyone for the
> greater of the club and its members. The Worldwide Wolves Supporters Clubs
> that have been set up, are a great example of bringing the club together
> across the globe, and Alan is doing a great job of administering all of
> this. However he can only appoint people based on the Proactiveness of the
> applicants and their submissons for branch memberships and being part of
> Worldwide Wolves is exactly that, its not just looking at your own bit of
> turf but also looking at what is taking place back at the Molineux, this
> set up as been running since July 2018, you asked me for Alans email, which
> again was available from the wolves website, I don't feel I need to say
> anymore.
> I am sorry that is has got to this point, I thought that the work that we
> could have done together would have enhanced what was already in place by
> your branch membership, however this is clearly not the case. I am also not
> looking to respond to endless chains of emails on this subject.
> Kind Regards
> Karl
> On ‎Wednesday‎, ‎6‎ ‎February‎ ‎2019‎ ‎08‎:‎05‎:‎49‎ ‎AEDT, Steven
> Millward <> wrote:
> Hi Alan and thanks for the quick response. I've copied Karl on this email
> to see if we can sort this out.
> To be honest, your response seems very heavy handed and bureaucratic and
> creates a bad feeling for us. NSWolves has run for thirty years with zero
> support from Wolves and now we are being told what we can call the club,
> what its remit can be and who is to be in charge. It is poor treatment of
> dedicated fans that have upheld the most distant outpost of Wolves support
> for such a long time.
> The situation is this:
>    - We have a club covering NSW and Sydney that has run for thirty
>    years. It has thirty members plus plenty of other visitors, tourists,
>    backpackers and other blow-ins. We've had regular meetings and events, with
>    connections into other parts of fan community such as Molineux Mix and
>    other Wolves supporters clubs in Australia. We are not an 'official' Wolves
>    supporters club though.
>    - Karl established his club last year and is the only member, and has
>    no other collateral or network. But this is an 'official' club
>    - We do not want to change the name of our club, or its remit to cover
>    NSW, or change our governance and management at this stage. Frankly it's
>    insulting to me and others that have put a lot of work and personal cash
>    into running the club and its infrastructure to try to dictate who is the
>    recognised official and what we can be called.
>    - This is a problem of Karl's and Wolves' making. There is plenty of
>    information online about NSWolves that would have made everyone aware that
>    there was a pre-existing club, not to mention that I contacted the club
>    about us and didn't receive any reply.
>    - I suggest that Wolves and Karl decide what course of action it
>    wishes to take. We will continue to run our club, officially recognised or
>    not, and provide community to Wolves fans in NSW, and especially in Sydney
>    where 70% of NSW citizens live. If you all decide that you want to foster a
>    separate organisation from the ground up then that is up to you.
> I have plenty of time to run NSWolves but I won't want to spend any more
> time on this nonsense.
> Steve
> On Wed, 6 Feb 2019 at 03:16, Alan Perrins <>
> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> Thanks for the E mail and getting in touch.
> WorldWide Wolves was founded in July 2018 by the Club, as a hub to link
> all our fantastic Supporters Clubs together. It was announced on the Wolves
> Website, Social Media platforms and the Match Day Programme to great
> success as we now have 90 Official Supporters Clubs signed up.
> Wolves motto is “ One Pack “ and “ Together we are stronger “ so I would
> suggest we all get our heads together here and find a solution to the
> issue. Karl has done nothing wrong and applied correctly for the Branch
> which was allocated to him.  If you guys can get together and become “one“
> fantastic if not here are my suggestions –
>    1. Karl is New South Wales Wolves
>    2. Steve is Sydney Wolves
> We really would love to have you onboard Official, as we have such a
> strong presence in Australia currently.  Here is the [*LINK*
> <>] to sign up Officially
> to Wolverhampton Wanderers Worldwide. Phil at Molineux Mix as been a great
> ambassador and has been instrumental in helping the network grow by pushing
> WorldWide Wolves on the Mix.
> Look forward to hearing from you and having you on board,
> Thanks
> Kind Regards Alan
> *Alan Perrins*
> *WorldWide Wolves*
> *Email: <> *
> *[image: XmasEsig_1819]* <>
> *From:* Steven Millward <>
> *Sent:* 05 February 2019 03:22
> *To:* Alan Perrins <>
> *Subject:* New South Wales (Australia) supporters club
> Hi Alan,
> I'm getting in touch with you directly after contact from Karl Wheeler.
> Karl has applied for, and been appointed chairman of the supporters club
> for New South Wales in Sydney.
> Karl got in touch with me and our club. He hadn't realised that there was
> an existing supporters club in NSW
>    - Our club, New South Wolves <>, has been
>    going for 30 years and is based in Sydney, the capital of NSW.
>    - We have been having regular events for decades, including a presence
>    at Wolves trip to Perth where we were interviewed by, and featured in, the
>    Express & Star.
>    - I have been running the admin of the club for the last fifteen years
>    and have established our website and e-mail discussion forum.
>    - I have also been active on Molineux Mix promoting events, and I'm 
> registered
>    as the main contact for the club
> <>
>    - As per the Wolves website, I contacted on
>    1st May last year to have our club registered on the worldwide club
>    supporters page, and although I got confirmation that it had been received,
>    no action seems to have been taken.
> I asked Karl to request that the chairman be reallocated to me so that we
> could build on the existing club and infrastructure. He said that your
> response had been that it would not be possible and that we would have to
> put in a completely new application.
> Is there an easy way to resolve this please? It doesn't make much sense to
> me to have our well established club based in Sydney alongside another club
> located in rural Australia.
> Thanks
> Steve Millward

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