Marko Schuetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I usually present C/C++ code in a typing environment. If I need to
> frequently reference statements I put a line number environment around
> that. Now I would like to use line numbers and experimented a bit with 
> \setuptyping[option=commands,escape=/], but did not yet get the
> desired results.
> Any hint is welcome

Marko, I can't even get the documented example to work:

test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX test
test//test test/BTEX \footnote{test test test}/ETEX  test
test test test/BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX test
test test test /BTEX \bf(nota bene)/ETEX  test


If you can't either, then either you or I are going to have to learn
how to submit a bug report.

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