Hi folks.

I've been wondering if I've been missing something here. When I activate
hanging, the hyphens (or whatever the hyphenmark is set to) in
compound||words refuse to hang. When that happens, it makes the margin
look worse than if there were no hanging.

Is it not implemented yet?
[using pdfeTeX (Web2C 7.3.7x) 3.14159-1.00b-pretest-20020211-2.1]

Here's an example with a bit of nonsense that pretty much forces the issue:

% tried this and many variations:

I find the very thought of it appalling. I wouldn't describe myself as
stuck||up, up||tight, or snoot||nosed, but neither do I get
down||and||dirty, higgledy||piggledy, loosey||goosey, or left||wing.
\input tufte }
 Adam T. Lindsay                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Computing Dept, Lancaster University   +44(0)1524/594.537
 Lancaster, LA1 4YR, UK             Fax:+44(0)1524/593.608

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