> > I fought over this also for my journal. Here is what I came up with
> > (including some extraneous, journal-specific stuff). Note that you can use
> > <title> and <subject> instead of <chapter> and <section>, since the former
> > is generally unnumbered anyway:
> > Best wishes
> > Idris
> >
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> Thaniks Idris. The problem with Title and Subject is that they don't appear in
> the TOC in any case.  That was a half day of screwing around.

Ah, yes. But in the final analysis, you can setup title to behave exactly as
chapter and vice versa. What I did was setup <title> to appear in the toc, then
when I changed <title> in the setup to <chapter> I noticed that both behaved
identically! The sample I sent you originally used <title>; all I did was change
it to <chapter>.

Have fun

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