Hi Contexters

Is there anybody who has experionce with the database options as
described in core-dat?

I tried to setup an address-database. But I am unable to get it working.
I get an error message saying "missing \endcsname"

Please have a look at the enclosed testfiles.

Cheers Willi
% Sample record

    name:  \getrecordentry{name}~\getrecordentry{family name}\par
    address: \getrecordentry{postal address}\par



\memberofgroup                  {board}
\setrecordentry{Name}           {Hans}
\setrecordentry{Surname}        {Hagen}
\setrecordentry{Foreletters}    {H.}
\setrecordentry{Street}         {Ridderstraat}
\setrecordentry{StreetNumber}   {27}
\setrecordentry{Place}          {Hasselt}
\setrecordentry{PostalCode}     {8061 GH}
\setrecordentry{FunctionNL}     {Voorzitter NTG}
\setrecordentry{Function}       {President NTG}
\setrecordentry{Phone}          {38-4775369}
\setrecordentry{Fax}            {38-4775374}
\setrecordentry{Email}          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
% Footertexts
% Database
% W. Egger
% 3.07.2003


%\input NTG-board-members


\def\FootItemI{0485 573896}

       \hbox to \textwidth{%
         \vbox{% Hans Hagen: needed either \hbox or \vbox; 04-05-2003\setupfootertexts[{\getbuffer[SetUpFooterText]}][]
                \NC {\tfx \FootItemHeaderI}
                \NC {\tfx \FootItemHeaderII}
                \NC {\tfx \FootItemHeaderIII}
                \NC {\tfx \FootItemHeaderIV} \NC\NR
                \NC \switchtobodyfont[rm] \FootItemI
                \NC \switchtobodyfont[rm] \FootItemII
                \NC \switchtobodyfont[rm] \FootItemIII
                \NC \switchtobodyfont[rm] \FootItemIV \NC\NR



Some text



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