
Try the psnup program and friends.

This will do exactly what you want (including the rotation for the double-sided printer at work) although it assumes a4 input. I assume you could remove the @0.7 parts (scaling), but please check the manpage (BTW these commands are part of your TeX distribution ;-):
pstops -pa4 -q '4:[EMAIL PROTECTED](21cm,0)[EMAIL PROTECTED](21cm,14.85cm),[EMAIL PROTECTED](0cm,29.7cm)[EMAIL PROTECTED](0cm,14. 85cm)'

It uses stdin and stdout as source and destination (but you can specify two files for in and out).

I figured the command out on linux, gv is you friend for these commands :-)



Whenever anyone says, "theoretically", they really mean, "not really".

On Friday, July 18, 2003, at 10:40 AM, Gerben Wierda wrote:

How can I get the following arrangement:

2 A5 pages printed on one landscape A4 page
-1 0
1 2
3 4
5 6
7 8
or in other words, no order which makes it ready for cutting/folding but just two A5 pages per A4 landscape in normal order, the way you would get it when you copy a book on A4 landscape.

(Even better would be to have alternate A4 printed pages upside down so you can print doublesided and then bind it so you can flip the document without having to turn the printout.)

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