This example is from the beginner's manual, page 86.

\useexternaldocument[hia][hasbook][Hasselt in August]

Most tourist attractions are described in \from[hia]. A description
of the Eui||feest is found in \from[hia::euifeest]. A description of
the \goto{Eui||feest}[hia::euifeest] is found in \from[hia]. The
eui||feest is described on \at{page}[hia::euifeest] in \from[hia].
See for more information \in{chapter}[hia::euifeest] in \from[hia].

At 04:30 PM 8/1/03 +0100, you wrote:
>I have been searching for how to specify another document (.pdf) to open
>from the source document. The only method I have found is using \useURL etc.
>which bring up the web browser as an intermediate step. Please con somebody
>direct me to the correct method.
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