Am Sonntag, 17.08.03, um 23:58 Uhr (Europe/Zurich) schrieb Adam Lindsay:

Actually, I discuss that in my OpenType MyWay, also... my solution is to

Ok, one reason more to read it.

Instead of further research I did some diligent work
the last evenings writing a lot of typescripts that
nobody will ever need... ;-)

define a font family for roman caps [rc] beside the roman [rm] font
family. A change to small caps is done with \switchstyleonly[rc], so if
you're in SerifBold, you end up in SerifCapsBold.

Good idea. I don't really understand the family mechanism. Can I define all "styles" like rm, ss... or is ist limited (other than the lack of free two- letter-combinations)?

It ends up being memory-hungry, and probably a bit slower than other
options, but it kinda works.

I like high level solutions, so I need always lots of memory... ;-)

Funny coincidence, I was looking around apostrophic labs and other free
fonts as well, this weekend. Then I found :)

And what do you think? Better? (I'll have a look later.) I spent some hours writing (that is, ordering and editing) typescripts for Meade's Street family. Don't know if I'll use it...

Grüßlis vom Hraban!

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