On Mon, 1 Dec 2003 12:00:08 -0700 (MST), William wrote:

> > Personally I like 'real' cross-referencing better than filling in fields in order 
> > to
> > minimize the number of keystrokes in the BIB file.
> I suppose that's a valid sentiment, although it saves many, many
> keystrokes when your bib file is full of proceedings and journal articles.
> Plus it looks fairly silly to reference the proceedings when you reference
> only one or two of the articles in it (the same goes for books, journals,
> etc.).  Oh well... until I'm willing to write my own package I suppose I
> have to play along or go back to LaTeX.

If there are more people that agree with you I might change my mind ...

> However, the entry for the proceedings themselves have the wrong number,
> they get reset and start over from 1 e.g.
> Do You know of any way around this, or am I just going to have to manually
> edit the bbl file?

You could always \cite the proceedings manually. If you put the reference
 in a \setbox command it wont  show up in the running text, like so:


Wrt to your other questions: could you send me your input file(s) or
the exact settings you used? It will be (a lot) easier to re-enact your 
observations if I do not have to guess and invent stuff myself.


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