
I am compiling a metapost file with first line:

input mp-tool

I have installed the latest version of teTeX on Red Hat Linux 9.

I am getting this output during compile:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] final]$ texexec --mptex final

 TeXExec 4.0 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2003

       metapost to tex : final
            executable : pdfetex
                format : cont-en
             inputfile : tmpgraph
                output : dvips
             interface : en
               options : once
          current mode : none

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.14159-1.10b-2.1 (Web2C 7.4.5)
 \write18 enabled.
entering extended mode

ConTeXt  ver: 2003.9.25  fmt: 2003.12.9  int: english  mes: english

language       : language en is active
<protectionstate 0>
system         : cont-new loaded
systems        : beware: some patches loaded from cont-new.tex!
system         : cont-old loaded
loading        : Context Old Macros
system         : cont-fil loaded
loading        : Context File Synonyms
bodyfont       : 12pt rm is loaded
language       : patterns 2:2-en-2 3:2-uk-2 4:2-de-2 5:2-fr-2 6:2-es-2 
 8:2-nl-2 loaded
specials       : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
system         : loaded
specials       : loading definition file dvi
(/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/tex/context/base/spec-dvi.tex <unprotect 3>
<protect 3>)
specials       : tex loaded
specials       : loading definition file ps
specials       : tex,postscript loaded
specials       : loading definition file tr
specials       : tex,postscript,rokicki loaded
pdftex         : needs map file:
pdftex         : needs map file:
pdftex         : needs map file:
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
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[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
[1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1] [1.1]
systems        : end file tmpgraph at line 181
Output written on tmpgraph.dvi (90 pages, 6452 bytes).
Transcript written on tmpgraph.log.

           return code : 0
              run time : 0 seconds
       dvi to metapost : final
              metapost : final
                format : metafun
This is MetaPost, Version 0.641 (Web2C 7.4.5)
( (/usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf/metapost/context/base/ 
[2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] 
[19] [20] [21] [22]
metafun 2003-12-9 7:38
22 output files written: final.1 .. final.22
Transcript written on final.log.

        total run time : 2 seconds

I am particularly concerned with these three lines:

pdftex         : needs map file:
pdftex         : needs map file:
pdftex         : needs map file:

Should I add something to updmap.cfg and run updmap?

David Arnold
College of the Redwoods.
Mathematics Department
7351 Tompkins Hill Road
Eureka, CA 95501
Office phone: 707-476-4222
Fax: 707-476-4424
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