
On Thu, Dec 18, 2003 at 11:52:11AM +0000, Adam Lindsay wrote:
> >  \placebookmarks[chapter,section,subsection]
> Add:
>   \setupinteraction[state=start]
> ...works for me.
Ok, now I finally figured out what went wrong in my real document:
I had first \placebookmarks and then \setupinteraction. It has to be the
other way round!
Thanks a lot for the hint!

> I kept tripping on that one, and I'm not sure I'd agree
> with the choice made.
I agree that it is counter-intuitive that one needs to have
\setupinteraction in order to get bookmarks placed. But that the order
matters is even worse.

(Playing around with Acrobat 6, I saw that using /C [colorvalues] and /F n,
n=1...5, one could even have the bookmark items in color or in
italic/bold/..., if one wants to play ...)

I tested the accented characters again (not including bookmarks):
  \setupinteraction[state=start,title={F\"ur / Na\"\i ve}]
  \chapter{F\"ur / Na\"\i ve}

I expect 'Für / Naïve' but I get

a) in the bookmarks:   
   'Für / Nadobuildtextaccebt char 127 {char "10}ve'
b) in the document info dialogue:
   'Fdobuildtextaccent char 127 ur / Nadobuildtextaccebt char 127 {char "10}ve'

If I replace {\"\i} by \idiaeresis, nothing changes for \chapter and
bookmarks, but I get an error message for 'title='. Puzzled.

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