Hallo all,

I'm trying to produce an irregular (more than 4 corners) typesetting
(main text) area of the following shape:

... (header) ....
( logo /                | ... text area ...                  |
  overlay background)   |                                    |
________________________|                                    |
|                                                            |
...                                                        ...
|                                                            |
|                                                            |
|                                    ________________________|
|                                   |(logo
|                                   |    /overlay background)
|         ... text area ...         |

The reason of this wish is not to overwrite the displayed logos
or overlay pictures, which are used to form a common layout for a
Btw., the orientation of the logos / pictures changes from even to
odd pages.
The measures of the logos / pictures prohibit a solution just by
them in the header or footer.

Does anyone have an idea how to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance,

P.S.: Thanks a lot for this great software !

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