On Fri, 9 Jan 2004 20:50:27 +0100, R. Ermers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

However, I am not quite sure about getting involved in Omega. I tried it
before and could not get it right.

Note that I said ``eomega'':-), soon to be Aleph. Giuseppe and others have spearheaded an effort to take the best of Omega and combine it with eTeX in a stable, usable package. The latest eomega already largely fulfills this promise, and you can try the basic package announced to the list. Join the Aleph list if you can; it's pretty low volume.

In case you need any help: let me know!

As soon as our own (Alan Hoenig and myself) package reaches the point where we can release a test package, I'll announce it here and let you know. (The main issue holding up a release is the use of a proprietary font, and font work is sooooo time-consuming, not to mention my regular work).


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523
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