Stefan Wachter wrote:

Hi Hans,

thanks for your reply. Unfortunately your solution does not work correctly. The following example produces one footnote at the first page but no footnote on the second page.


funny\myfootnote[funny]{funny} funny\mynote[funny]
funny\mynote[funny] funny\mynote[funny]



PS: Would it be possible to use the same footnote mark again when a footnote is repeated?

sure but this needs some thought (for instance clashing numbers/symbols)

\def\myfootnote[#1]#2% let's guess that #2 is without catcode problems



% test \myfootnote[funny]{first occurence} test\mynote[funny]
% test \myfootnote[again]{first occurence} \page test \mynote[again]

funny \myfootnote[funny]{funny} funny \mynote[funny] \page

funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page
funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page
funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] funny \mynote[funny] \page


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