Peter Münster wrote:

On Mon, 2 Aug 2004, Tobias Burnus wrote:

If I do a dvips -Ppdf test.dvi I get the following warning:
dvips: Could not find figure file ./test-mpgraph.4000; continuing
dvips: Could not find figure file ./test-mpgraph.3999; continuing
dvips: Could not find figure file ./test-mpgraph.3998; continuing

I don't see from the log whether you have them, but in any case a DVI file doesn't carry enough information, you need a Post Script or PDF file.

Oh, excuse me, I didn't see, that the dvi depends on other files... Now I send a pdf file.

With 2004.4.9 this works - well, the bonds are a bit randomly distributed but otherwise. Can you state a bit more clearly what should be different from the result you get?

The result should be as in example 5.9 on page 1-18 of the manual ( I complied the same TeX-file with an older version (2003.1.31) and the result is ok (also attached as pdf).

Now, temporally working with the old ConTeXt version, I try to substitute Atoms in a chair structure. Is this possible? The following example shows the situation a little bit clearer: \usemodule[pictex,chemic] \starttext \startchemical \chemical [SIX,B,Z] [a,b,c,d,e,f] \stopchemical \startchemical \chemical [CHAIR,B,Z] [a,b,c,d,e,f] % Z seems to be without effect here... \stopchemical \stoptext

Cheers, Peter

looks like there is some interference with pdf inclusion (quite hard to find reasonable compromised in handling offsets and bboxes); i'll look into it



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