Hi Patrick,

PG> But unzipping it on top of the texlive was not the very best idea I'd
PG> guess. The directory structure has changed a bit with respect to the
PG> location of scripts and metapost files, so your old texlive metafun
PG> macros will be used.

that is explaining the situation. But for an end-user (i try to keep
myself on that level) it is *not* very convenient left with this
situation (not knowing it exists in the first place)

I guess i have to uninstall the present pftex and start from scratch.
Which one is the best option to get Context,metafun,xml working?
And i would like to have a similar working set on my OSX laptop too.
Where are the experts ? :-)

Also, i find the live context garden very helpful, as you can check a
script independent form your own location.

Hints for improvement:

1. provide an e-mail response for hints/remarks/questions.
2. the 'reset form' switch doesn't work.
3. some kind of summary (e.g. the real errors) of the log file would
be very helpful. at present you have to parse the output yourself and
have to locate the error yourself (e.g. too much is just info)

% floris

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