On Mon, Aug 30, 2004 at 09:21:29PM +0200, Floris van Manen wrote:
> >> I'm going to 'finish' the metafun manual, so if you have topics that
> >> need to be covered ...

If you'd like volunteers to proofread the finished version, I'd be glad
to help with that.

My main request is the addition of an index, but I presume that was
already on the to-do list.
> the topic as how to define and use user defined functions / macros / procedure
> could have some more explanation / samples.

This might indeed be helpful, if the metafun manual is intended as a
complete guide to both metapost and metafun (replacing the old metapost
manual).  My recollection is that the manual has very little (if any) on
how to use suffix variables, and it would be nice to have a good
overview of that somewhere other than the metafont (!) manual.

> also a suggested way as how to handle and use the definition of
> multiple (different) graphics within a single file could be helpful.
> e.g. where to put the graphics definitions. how to re-use pieces of
> graphics for other images (like axis frames).

Agreed, although that's actually fairly simple (which is probably an
argument _for_ including it, rather than against).

- Brooks
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