At 13:01 -0500 8/11/04, David Munger wrote:
Excellent idea indeed! Here's the fix. It is obviously not optimal,
though it allows for multiple formula numbers on the same slide. Try it
texexec --pdf --mode=demo t-rsteps

Thanks for your advice.

Hi David,

I could not get through the example file: here is what I get:
%%%%% begin error report:

! Missing number, treated as zero.
<to be read again>
                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]:incompressibility
\setcounter ...ame #1\endcsname {\the \numexpr (#2
\placeformula ...\csname [EMAIL PROTECTED] }
                                                  \setfalse \incrementformul...

\@@plnbody ...\placeformula [eq:incompressibility]
                                                   \startformula \vec \nabla...

\@@plniterate ->\@@plnbody
                           \expandafter \@@plniterate \else \fi
\StartSteps ...y \doplaceformula [####1]} \repeat
                                                  \else \Subject {#1}\par \s...
l.41 \StopSteps
Process aborted

%%%%% end error report

I tried also the short example I sent you today, but I get the same result. Is there a transmission error in your file? (I should say that everything is fine if one doesn't have a \placeformula).

Finally, if I am not being too demanding, at the end of t-rsteps.tex, in your example of how to use the command (for the user's convenience) could you please incude all the possibilities of using the Step commands? that is instances of:

\OnlyStep[1]{\item something}
\FromStep[2]{\item something}
\AfterStep[3]{\item something}
\UntilStep[4]{\item something}
\HighlightStep[5]{\item something}
\NextStep[1]{\item something}

(Actually it seems that there is also a problem with \NextStep)
Best regards: OK
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