Thanks to the very kind and patient efforts of Thomas Schmitz, I no longer get ugly bitmaps in typesetting Greek but lovely script. I am posting the solution to the problem in the hope that it might prove useful to others.

PROBLEM: bitmap display of Greek fonts on typesetting.
These fonts (Teubner, Oxonia, Leipzig, Ibycus, Kadmos, Bosphoros) come in a package obtained from Thomas.


1. remove/trash teTeX folder(s)
2. reinstall teTeX  (TeXLive 2004) using i–Installer
3. re-install ConTeXt updater
        • these first three steps were necessary because my  installation of
        teTeX had become corrupted

4. in Terminal execute
ruby /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.tetex/scripts/context/ruby/textools.rb --fixtexmftrees ~/Library/texmf

5. copy cont-sys.tex
into /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local/tex/context/user/

6. move the file
into ~/Library/texmf/fonts/map/

7. in Terminal execute
sudo updmap --disable
and then
sudo updmap --enable Map

I will happy to send those interested a copy of cont-sys.tex. (Thomas prepared this file by modifying cont-sys.rme)

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