Adam Lindsay wrote:

> Okay, as far as I know, ConTeXt doesn't have an 8a/Adobe encoding vector
> defined yet.

What does it mean that ConTeXt doesn't have an 8a/Adobe encoding vector? Isn't it enough for ConTeXt that there is an 8a.enc file? (I am prepared to write the necessary typescripts myself.)

>>2. Can I ommit the 8a encoding in map files when PDF documents are
>>generated (because it is the Adobe standard encoding)?
> Dunno. But it's worth finding out! :)

I installed the Adobe Helvetica fonts in 8a encoding using texfont. Then I removed the download instructions in the generated map files. After that I could generate PDF documents that are rather minimal: no fonts or encodings were embedded.

Yet, the results were in some way unexpected. It seems that the 8a encoding really isn't supported by ConTeXt. For example if I say


and output the character \char251

then I get a "ß" in the resulting PDF. I am very astonished to receive that character because in 8a, T1, and texnansi encoding the glyph /ucircumflex is located at that slot.

Maybe this has to do with virtual fonts? I still struggle with all these matters.

1. The afm2tfm tool allows to set two different encodings: "-p ps-enc" and "-t tex-enc" whereas texfont offers only one encoding. Does texfont use the same encoding for the ps-enc and the tex-enc?

2. What is the meansing of the ps-enc and the tex-enc, respectively?

Can anyone help with these questions?
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