Rob Ermers wrote:
Dear Contexers,

I have succeeded in creating letters on my pdf stationary-1. Beautiful.

Now I want to print the second and following pages on paper with on a slightly different stationary (stationary-2), as is costumary.

Does anyone how to set this up?

(The example on the wiki is too complicated for me. I sticked to sample files from Hans Hagen, which makes it possible to use an xml address database.)

The present set up for the background is given below.

Kind regards,

Robert Ermers

\useexternalfigure[achtergrond][stationary-1.pdf][] \definelayer[achtergrond]



An option is to use the logo features but since layers are more fun i will probably turn that into an optional module some day (is anyone using it?)

put this in cont-new.tex:

     {\global\letvalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!start} % dangerous, stack-built-up
        {\global\letvalue{\??ll#1\c!state}\v!repeat} % dangerous, stack-built-up
                 \dodoflushlayerB\v!left [#1]%  left
                 \dodoflushlayerB\v!right[#1]% right
                 \dodoflushlayerB\v!left [#1]%  left

Then you can say:



\setlayer[achtergrond-1][preset=lefttop]   {\externalfigure[stationary-1.pdf]}


test \page test \page
test \page test \page


(i added the 'continue' option)

Hans ----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

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