
Matthew Huggett wrote:
>>Then I tried searching for the file texmf.cnf, but it is nowhere to be
>On my system, it's in texmf/web2c/texmf.cnf -- if that helps at all.

Well, on web2c-based systems (fpTeX, teTeX, TeXLive) one should be able
to find it using
"kpsewhich texmf.cnf." If the TeX is not based on web2c, well, then you
have to look for another config file ;)
If I remember correctly, MiKTeX has a different file.

Under Windows there is under Start|Find (or something like that) the
possibility to search for a file (texmf.cnf);
Unix: "locale texmf.cnf" (or rather brutral: find / /usr /etc $HOME
-name texmf.cnf)


PS: I also get
   bash: texmfstart: command not found
Seemingly, it's time for a newer Linux (with teTeX 3) and a newer ConTeXt.
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