Hi Gerben,

There is no worry about the mentioned chaos. You might be lucky, that your definition is giving a result at all.

If you consult the manual or read the article in the MAPS22 on tabulating, you will see, that you missed a correct setup of the tabulation.

I attach my version and it works.


Gerben Wierda wrote:
Here is the example again, now with p columns. Never mind the non-working third example (ConTeXt wraps three elements in the third column now but not inside the \framed), but it seems that ConTeXt does not wrap the first column at all. As a result, the other two are very small.


PS. The ConTeXT manual does not have \starttable documentation, not does the wiki (how does 'p' work etc).

% Try with 'p' columns

\usemodule[bib] % defines \newcommand
\newcommand{\operand}[1]{{\sc #1}}
\newcommand{\ttvalue}[1]{{\sc #1}}
\newcommand{\xttable}[7]{\starttable[|p|p|p|]\HL %
#1 \NC #2 \NC #1 \operand{#3} #2 \SR\HL
\ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{#4} \FR %
\ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{#5} \MR %
\ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{#6} \MR %
\ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{#7} \LR\HL %
Looks fine:\blank
\xttable{Statement X}{Statement Y}{$\Rightarrow$}%
{unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}

This doesn't work:\blank
\xttable{Some sort of longer statement}{Another sort of longer statement}%
{unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}

This doesn't work either:\blank
\xttable{\framed[width=2cm,frame=off]{Some sort\par of longer
statement\par}}{\framed[width=2cm,frame=off]{Another sort\par of longer
{unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}

ntg-context mailing list
% Truthtables Gerben Wierda
% C0ntext file
% filename: truthtable-Wierda.tex
% Gerben Wierda
% W. Egger
% 13-03-2005


\usemodule[bib] % defines \newcommand
\newcommand{\operand}[1]{{\sc #1}}
\newcommand{\ttvalue}[1]{{\sc #1}}
\HL %
\NC #1 \NC #2 \NC #1 \operand{#3} #2 \NC\NR
\NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{#4} \NC\NR %
\NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{#5} \NC\NR %
\NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{false} \NC \ttvalue{#6} \NC \NR %
\NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{true} \NC \ttvalue{#7} \NC\NR\HL %
Looks fine:\blank
\xttable{Statement X}{Statement Y}{$\Rightarrow$}%
{unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}

 This doesn't work:\blank
\xttable{Some sort of longer statement}{Another sort of longer statement}%
{unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}

% This doesn't work either:\blank
% \midaligned{%
% \xttable{\framed[width=2cm,frame=off]{Some sort of longer
% statement\par}}{\framed[width=2cm,frame=off]{Another sort of longer
% statement\par}}{$\Rightarrow$}%
% {unknown}{unknown}{invalid (false)}{valid (true)}
% }
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