>===== Original Message From Hans Hagen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
>ishamid wrote:
>> Dear gang,
>> How do I automate initialization of the separate context tree (from
>> mswintex.zip)? A simple batch file such as
>> ========================================
>> setuptex c:\context
>> texexec foo
>> ========================================
>> does not work; the batch file always turns itself off before texexec can be
>> invoked. Can I make the initialization global so that all batch files (such 
>> those called by WinEDT) will work properly? I added c:\context to the path 
>> that is not enough.
>> BTW: Can initialization be turned off as well?
>you can associate batch files to a cmd window, (open action);

can you give me an example?

>in winedt you
>shoul dadd the lines to their bat files (or ask the author to provide an
>initialization option)

Well, the following seems to work for now:

call setuptex c:\context
texexec foo

I am pretty ignorant of DOS but <call> seems to solve the problem for now. Now 
my WinEDT batch files for pdfetex and aleph can work.


Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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