Dear conglomerate,

Ok, I've installed, dated 3-16, refreshed fndb, 
set  UseEnginePath   to  true
and so forth.

4 Problems:

1. Zapf Chancery has disappeared (the other free fonts in showfonts.pdf still 

\definetypeface [zapf] [cg] [calligraphy] [chancery]
\switchtotypeface [zapf] [12pt,cg]

Zapf Chancery

\input tufte.tex

Log file:

This is pdfeTeX, Version 3.141592-1.20a-2.2 (Web2c 7.5.3) (format=cont-en 
2005.3.21)  21 MAR 2005 17:38
entering extended mode
\write18 enabled.
**&pdfetex/cont-en typescripts2.tex


Missing character: There is no Z in font texnansi-uzcmi8a!
Missing character: There is no a in font texnansi-uzcmi8a!


Missing character: There is no . in font texnansi-uzcmi8a!
fonts           : using map file: texnansi-base
fonts           : using map file: texnansi-urw-zapfchan
Warning: pdfetex.exe (file cannot open font map file


2. aleph is still searching its format in the wrong directory; its format is 
properly installed in 

This is Aleph, Version 3.141592-1.15-2.1-0.0-rc4 (Web2c 7.5.3)
 \write18 enabled.
Copyright (c) 2002--2004 the Aleph task force
---! c:\CONTEXT\tex\texmf-mswin/web2c/pdfetex/cont-en.fmt was written by 

3. If I replace the pdfetex format with 
aleph.fmt, the latter works. It copiles fine on the following file, but 
neither dvips, odvips, or dvipdfm can find the fonts:

% output=aleph interface=en


Latin Modern

\input tufte

\definetypeface [times] [rm] [serif] [times] [default] [encoding=ec]
\switchtotypeface [times] [12pt,rm]


\input tufte.tex


Also, aleph displays the strange "HASH" message:
 TeXExec 5.2.5 - ConTeXt / PRAGMA ADE 1997-2005

Opt=HASH(0x1c44160)            executable : aleph

4. That trick with the footnotes and endnotes is interesting, but the endnotes 
still spill over the page (I double-checked that core-not was replaced and the 
format regenerated):

% output=pdftex interface=en


\dorecurse{100}{test \footnote{test} \endnote{eee}\endgraf}




5. I'm still concerned about getting ConTeXt to search my old \TeXLive tree 
secondarily. changing


does not seem to do anything (sigh  )

I really hope I can get everything working soon, because I've lost about a 
week's worth of deadlined writing fooling around with configuring ConTeXt  
(which is exactly what I was afraid would happen):-(

Thnx in advance, and forgive my frustration-)

Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
Department of Philosophy
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO 80523

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