Greetings all,

I'm leaning towards experimenting with the bib module to see if I can arrive at a usable "Semiotics Society of America" reference section, which is a historically layered style, along the lines of:


PEIRCE, Charles S.
1859. "An Essay on the Limits of Religious Thought Written to Prove That We
Can Reason Upon the Nature of God", MS 53, in W1:37-40
1982. Writings of Charles S. Peirce: a Chronological Edition, ed. Max Fisch,
Peirce Edition Project. Five volumes. (Bloomington: Indiana University
Press, 1982-98).

TEILHARD de Chardin, Pr. P.
1961. (posthumously). Hymn of the Universe (New York: Harper & Row
Torchbooks, English Edition, 1965).
1957. (posthumously). The Divine Milieu (New York: Harper & Row Colophon
Books Edition, 1968).


Aside from all the niggling details (which I'm sure could be worked out), is this kind of layout in general possible—all citations going by year underneath a single instance of the author? …or am I doomed to forever make these by hand? ;)

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