Idris ...  great... my garamond is working now.
A couple of things ... for a real novice like me... you need to tell where the
type-* file should be located, and whether we need to do a texhash after 
moving the type-* file. 

On Apr 2, 2005 7:15 PM, Idris Samawi Hamid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear syndicate,
> [Garamond is a nice font. Now that there is a free version, this would be a
> nice default font to add to the next ConTeXt distribution. In the meantime:]
> How to cook Garamond (my apologies to the experts for the verbosity):
> 1. Download
> (actually, you only
> need the pfb and afm files, unless your texfont does not work);
> 2. place ONLY the afm and pfb files in an empty temporary directory;
> 3. from /temp>, run
> texfont --ma --in --ve=urw --co=garamond --show
> you may verify the installation of your font by examining
> texnansi-urw-garamond.pdf.
> 4. If texfont does not work, you will have to do more work-> the zip package
> contains tfms etc, and here is a map file you will need:
> % You need to add the following line to pdftex.cfg:
> %
> %   map
> %
> % Alternatively in your TeX source you can say:
> %
> %   \pdf    {}
> %
> % In ConTeXt you can best use:
> %
> %   \loadmapfile[]
> texnansi-raw-ugmm8a GaramondNo8-Med 4 < ugmm8a.pfb texnansi.enc
> texnansi-raw-ugmmi8a GaramondNo8-MedIta 4 < ugmmi8a.pfb texnansi.enc
> texnansi-raw-ugmr8a GaramondNo8-Reg 4 < ugmr8a.pfb texnansi.enc
> texnansi-raw-ugmri8a GaramondNo8-Ita 4 < ugmri8a.pfb texnansi.enc
> =========================================================
> If texfont works, ignore step 4;
> 5. Now write to file the following typescript:
> ==========================type-ugm.tex======================
> % raw fonts
> \starttypescript[serif]               [garamond] [texnansi]
> \definefontsynonym[Garamond]          [ugmr8a]   [encoding=texnansi]
> \definefontsynonym[GaramondItalic]    [ugmri8a]  [encoding=texnansi]
> \definefontsynonym[GaramondBold]      [ugmm8a]   [encoding=texnansi]
> \definefontsynonym[GaramondBoldItalic][ugmmi8a]  [encoding=texnansi]
> \stoptypescript
> %Names
> \starttypescript [serif] [garamond] [name]
> \setups[font:fallback:serif]
> \definefontsynonym[Serif]          [Garamond]
> \definefontsynonym[SerifBold]      [Garamond-Bold]
> \definefontsynonym[SerifItalic]    [Garamond-Italic]
> \definefontsynonym[SerifBoldItalic][Garamond-BoldItalic]
> \stoptypescript
> %Synonyms
> \starttypescript [serif] [garamond] [texnansi]
> \definefontsynonym [Garamond]
> [\typescriptthree-ugmr8a]
> [encoding=\typescriptthree]
> \definefontsynonym [Garamond-Bold]
> [\typescriptthree-ugmri8a]
> [encoding=\typescriptthree]
> \definefontsynonym [Garamond-Italic]
> [\typescriptthree-ugmm8a]
> [encoding=\typescriptthree]
> \definefontsynonym [Garamond-BoldItalic]
> [\typescriptthree-ugmmi8a]
> [encoding=\typescriptthree]
> \stoptypescript
> % maps
> \starttypescript [map] [garamond] [texnansi]
> \loadmapfile[]
> \stoptypescript%
> % typefaces
> \starttypescript [URWGaramond]
> \definebodyfontenvironment
>   [urwgaramond]
>   [default]
>   [interlinespace=2.8ex]
> \definetypeface [urwgaramond]
> [rm] [serif] [garamond] [default]
> [encoding=texnansi]
> \definetypeface [urwgaramond]
> [ss] [sans] [helvetica] [default]
> [encoding=texnansi]
> \definetypeface [urwgaramond]
> [mm] [math] [palatino] [default]
> [encoding=texnansi]
> \definetypeface [urwgaramond]
> [tt] [mono] [modern] [default]
> [encoding=texnansi]
> \stoptypescript
> ===========================
> If there are better/more aesthetic choices for sans and math, let me know-)
> 6. Test it out:
> ===========================
> % output=pdf interface=en
> \starttext
> \usetypescriptfile[type-ugm]
> \usetypescript[URWGaramond]
> %\setupbodyfont[urwgaramond,12pt]
> \definetypeface  [garamond][rm][serif][garamond][default][encoding=texnansi]
> \switchtotypeface[garamond]
> \input knuth
> \stoptext
> ===========================
> You try \setupbodyfont instead of \definetypeface.
> Have fun with Garamond!
> Best
> Idris
> ============================
> Professor Idris Samawi Hamid
> Department of Philosophy
> Colorado State University
> Fort Collins, CO 80523
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