Eckhart Guthöhrlein wrote:

- control over column and row spacing
- material before/after a cell, e.g. \setupTABLE[row][first][before=bla]
- command hooks like \setupTABLE[1][3][hook=\dowithentry]

Hi Hans,

sorry for being a pain in the neck, but is there any chance that this
will be supported by natural tables in the near future?
Don't get me wrong, I'm not demanding anything, I just need to know so
that I can do it differently otherwise.

it depends on what near is ...

if you want a hook, try something:


\def\TBLcharalign#1#2{hooked {\bf #2} on tables}

\bTR \bTD aa\eTD \bTD bb\eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD aa\eTD \bTD bb\eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD aa\eTD \bTD bb\eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD aa\eTD \bTD bb\eTD \eTR
\bTR \bTD aa\eTD \bTD bb\eTD \eTR


if you remind me in a couple of weeks i can see if i can generalize it; hooks are a bit tricky because one also needs to know in what pass on is (there are multiple passes in constructing the table)

before ... after cell, is probably doable but need some thinking (keep in mind that these tables need to span and such; not really complex but needs to be done carefully

between rows ... tricky since that may interfere with splitting; maybe doable when some limitations are accepted


----------------------------------------------------------------- Hans Hagen | PRAGMA ADE Ridderstraat 27 | 8061 GH Hasselt | The Netherlands tel: 038 477 53 69 | fax: 038 477 53 74 | | -----------------------------------------------------------------

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